Another one that I kicked around in my head... Today was the day, TRUSTY DREMMEL!!! Intimidating at first but I got the hang of it. Can you say extra cash!!! Eric
Had these pieces lying around for awhile but was never sure how to put them together, not even sure if THIS is what I wanted but this is what it is. #180 Eric
It's been sprinkling around here off and on so I decided to use it... Made a stencil RAIN STENCIL waited for the sprinkles to kick in and removed the stencil and BAM!!! #173 in effect YO!! Eric
My son bought a new handle for his gaming system ( can you guess what system? ) the plastic packaging resembled a skull... yeah,what's new... right before he through it away he said " you could use this for a skull!. Yep. I have the family pitching in too. Eric
Andrew has informed me that I have already done a ladybug skull... BUT... this ladybug does not have a spring to bounce with. For reference see skull #132 Eric
This was a joint effort, Andrew D. was the original artist on this one and I came in and stole his thunder. WHAT?! that's what a skull daddy does. Eric
Whats up! skull patrol Sat. the tenth of april on my way up to the mission in ventura for andy's mission project so heres a quick one. see ya guys tomorrow. You guys rock!!! THANKS!!! Eric
Another outlet I'm leaning towards, I've always wanted to tattoo ever since a good friend of mine had done it. but just never did anything about it, classic story right. Eric
check out the crack on the skull, YES! it was on purpose.
Marsh "MELLOW OUT" it's the day after Easter, All the foil wrappers and chocolate bunny boxes are in the trash. BUT, we can never find anyone to take the marshmallow bunnies home... Good thing for me, They helped me create #156 Eric